The everyday art and inspiration of artist Jennifer Georgeadis.

About Jennifer Georgeadis

Jennifer Georgeadis has worked as a fine artist and digital graphic artist for over 25 years. Her work resides in private collections in North America and Italy, and she has worked extensively with a variety of corporate clients, including the Calgary Men's Chorus, the Mount Royal Choral Association and the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC). Jennifer lives and works in British Columbia, Canada with her husband Demetrios.

More information and images of Jennifer's work can be found at

Personal Statement:

I love my work as an artist because it allows me the freedom to play, to work intuitively with whatever art media suits my purpose, to really look at the world around me, and to challenge myself by always learning and tackling new things. My aim is share with the viewer through colour, subject matter and art materials, what moves me, inspires me and captures my imagination. For me, that goal necessitates constant practice and experimentation with a variety of media and subject matter, enabling me to draw from a large reserve of techniques whatever materials best speak for the piece

When beginning a piece, I first choose subject matter. Whether I am working close to nature 'en plein air', or from a reference photo I've taken, I am drawn to light-filled vistas, vibrant, saturated colour and contrasting elements that are texturally expressive. I then choose materials that best express what inspires me about my subject; soft pastel is a tremendous material to portray saturated light and colour in a landscape; pen and ink are ideal for rendering texture-rich architecture; watercolour, poured and mixed freely, suggests the complexity of stone surfaces in light and shadow.

The materials I use and the subject matter that inspires me are inextricably linked – each feeds and depends on the other. In every piece I create I strive to share with the viewer both the spirit of a captured moment in time and the tactile expressiveness of the materials used.

© 2011-2017 Jennifer Georgeadis.