For one of 2017’s Christmas projects, I took up the challenge of painting a rather tricky landscape:
sunset on a cloudy mid-winter afternoon, just as the last rays of the sun were breaking through the
clouds on the horizon. My reference photo captured the drama of the moment, where the tops of trees
and bushes were lit in fiery colours while the rest of the landscape lay in shadow. Brilliant to see
in person and to photograph, but ultimately pretty difficult to recreate on canvas!
One of the issues with the photo reference was that the areas in shadow were so dark and indistinct
that three-quarters of the composition was a blur of mid-to-dark greys and browns. I reworked those
areas to enhance the shapes and contrast. It was at this point that I realized what I loved most
about the scene was the striking shapes and contrasting colour, so I decided to push the composition
towards abstraction a bit more. With that in mind, here are the first two stages of the painting
with initial shapes and colour worked onto an orange-red underpainting:
©2018 Jennifer Georgeadis. 26cm x 22cm, acrylic on canvas
The lacy, fragile bushes in the foreground were shadowy and indistinct in my reference photo,
so I intensified them to balance out my composition. When the shapes got too fussy, I painted
over them and decided to incorporate some rough impasto to get the broken lines and texture
I was looking for. The final stage was to intensify the shadows to create a bit more contrast
against the brilliant reds and yellows. Here is the finished painting:
©2018 Jennifer Georgeadis. 26cm x 22cm, acrylic on canvas
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© 2011-2022 Jennifer Georgeadis.