The everyday art and inspiration of artist Jennifer Georgeadis.

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May 26, 2014

This was a fast, energetic sketch that very suddenly became rather chaotic and overly busy. I was going to give it up for lost, but the addition of some watercolour helped revive it:

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 25cm x 18cm, ink and watercolour on sketchbook paper

May 23, 2014

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Lunenburg, NS:

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 18cm x 15cm, watercolour on sketchbook paper

May 21, 2014

The best results I've gotten in watercolour have been when I've let the piece paint itself. When I let the paint run and do what it does inherently, then the watercolour has a chance to sing. Working small seems to be a good idea now, but soon I'll have to try the same techniques on a larger scale!

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 18cm x 13cm, watercolour on sketchbook paper

May 19, 2014

I return to this reference image of Mahone Bay over and over for the gorgeous colours and tonal contrast. Today I'm working on keeping the colours pure, and subtlety in the marks:

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 17.5cm x 13cm, ink and watercolour on sketchbook paper

May 16, 2014

A fairly quick and simple ink sketch of Lunenburg harbour... Working in a small format seems to help in forcing me to simplify shapes and lines:

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 12cm x 13cm, ink and watercolour on sketchbook paper

May 14, 2014

Recently, I spent a day sketching birds from photos when it was too cold outside to see any real ones!

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 12cm x 14cm, graphite on sketchbook paper

May 12, 2014

Still working on retaining simple lines and shapes in this sketch of Mahone Bay:

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 28cm x 20cm, ink on Bristol paper

May 9, 2014

I used some negative painting techniques in this little piece, and tried to keep the colours pure and vibrant:

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 15cm x 12cm, watercolour on sketchbook paper

May 7, 2014

In my work I try hard to follow the advice of watercolourist Joseph Zbukvic: Indicate, don't state. Often easier said than done, but it's something to always aspire to!

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 11cm x 15cm, graphite on sketchbook paper

May 5, 2014

I've been studying how various artists create texture in watercolour by using subtle washes. This was an image that I thought lent itself to that technique:

©2014 Jennifer Georgeadis. 15.5cm x 21cm, watercolour on sketchbook paper

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© 2011-2022 Jennifer Georgeadis.